
This study presents a haptic input/output system “Sense-Roid” that realises self-hugging. Through this system, we propose a novel communication design of haptic self-communication. Sense-Roid consists of a mannequin-shaped sensing device and a wearable, air-driven haptic-feedback that uses artificial muscles and vibrator units. We have designed artificial hugging, focusing on two elements of hugging: the compression of one’s shoulders and torso and the stroking of one’s back. The mannequin-shaped sensing device can detects one’s hugging/stroking position and force by FSR sensors. Haptic feedback wear gives the hugging sensation by compressing artificial muscles and vibrator units around the back and shoulders. Since Sense-Roid feeds one’s own hugging input from the mannequin into the wear, it gives the experience as if one is hugging oneself.

Exhibitions and Talks (Selected)

  • TBSテレビ「審査員長・松本人志」|『ダマされたと思ってやってみ?』と言いたくなる近未来テクノロジーコンテスト 優勝(まつもトロフィー), 2020.9.5 O.A.
  • N. Takahashi, Expression, Transmission, and Archiving of Humanity by Using “Interactive Humanoid Mediums,” EMTECH Conference: “Emotional Attachment to Machines: New Ways of Relationship-Building in Japan,” Berlin, Germany, 2019.10.
  • 浜松科学館特別展「感覚の迷宮」| センスロイド展示監修, 2019.7.20 – 9.1.